Tuesday, February 12, 2008
SmileJokes of the Day For Feb 12, 2008
A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York, he sees a little
girl being attacked by a bull dog. He runs over and starts fighting with
the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life.
A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: "You are a
hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: "Brave New Yorker
saves the life of little girl"
The man says: - "But I am not a New Yorker!"
"Oh then it will say in newspapers in the morning: 'Brave American saves
life of little girl'" - the policeman answers.
"But I am not an American!" - says the man.
"The man says: - "I am a Iraqi"
The next day the newspapers says: "Islamic extremist kills innocent
American dog, Connections to terrorist networks are being explored"
Sardarji Jokes
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Here is a great reading list.
Thanks, smilejokes
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HR = High Risk
Manager: - How many days are there in a year?
Man:- 365 days and some times 366
Manager:- how many hours make up a day?
Manager:- How long do you work in a day?
Man:- 8am to 4pm. i.e. 8 hours a day.
Manager: - So, what fraction of the day do you work in hours?
Man:- (He did some arithmetic and said 8/24 hours i.e. 1/3(one third)
Manager:- That is nice of you! What is one-third of 366 days?
Man:- 122 (1/3x366 = 122 in days)
Manager:- Do you come to work on weekends?
Manager:- How many days are there in a year that are weekends?
Man:- 52 Saturdays and 52 Sundays equals to 104 days
Manager:- Thanks for that. If you remove 104 days from 122 days, how many days do you now have?
Manager:- Do you work on New Year day?
Manager:- Do you come to work on workers day?
Manager:- So how many days are left?
Manager:- Do you come to work on the (National holidays)?
Manager:- So how many days are left?
Manager:- Do you work on Christmas day?
Manager:- So how many days are left?
Manager:- So, what are you claiming?
Man:- I have understood, Sir. I did not realize that I was stealing Company money all these days.
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